dancemode’s blog


Online social networking event


















Because I had worked in hospitals as a nurse for so long, I was biased towards relationships within the hospital only. I did not have the opportunity to interact with many different people, and when I did, it was only with healthcare professionals. Now that I have started my own business, I get to interact with many different people and I am always excited to meet new people and see a world I didn’t know existed. Interacting with people from different industries and generations reminds me of how biased my thinking and values are.
Online, I can now easily communicate with people from all over the country and abroad. I have learned that BIGOLIVE is a LIVE app that is used all over the world.
I have been thinking and studying what it means to live, what life is and what true happiness is ever since the outbreak of the new coronavirus infection. It is not possible to understand everything. You can only realise that you don’t understand anything. You can keep learning all your life, but you will never understand everything. It is often only when you combine knowledge with experience that you really understand.
Interacting with so many people expands my world and gives me dreams. Recently, I have been working all over the world, freely adjusting my hours, saying that I am changing the way I work.
I also use my nursing and dance career to sell my knowledge and skills in prevention, which can be done online, so I can schedule my time as I see fit.
When I was working in a hospital, my hours were constrained and I never felt at ease, as I had to work on holidays and on-call as a matter of course to deal with patients and their families who had a sudden change of heart. Nevertheless, I loved my job as a nurse and found my work both rewarding and fulfilling. I still often feel that it was the patients who taught me things and helped me grow.
I have come to believe that it is too late to deal with illness after it has occurred, and that we must shift to prevention to help everyone. Now we also need to be aware that ageing is also a disease.
People often only realise the value of what they have lost after they have lost it. I had never been so heartbroken until I lost someone I loved. But I started to learn not to let that experience go to waste, I started to value my time and I can feel the miracle of living every day.
As the saying goes, “once in a lifetime”, I feel that there is meaning in both encounters and partings. It means that I can meet the people I need to meet at that time.
I would like to go abroad for business in the future. This is because I have a desire for people from all over the world to come to JapanArtParty, which I organise. When I think about this all the time, I am able to get interactions related to different countries, such as people who live abroad and people who have moved to Japan from abroad. I think this is what we call the law of attraction.
Yesterday, there was an online exchange for people who like to travel. The people who attended were people who had travelled a lot abroad or lived abroad. There, too, we were still talking about the great value of Japan, especially the four seasons, the famous products in each prefecture, the food and the natural beauty, which people from abroad find very attractive and valuable.
I knew that…
My project fits in with the current times. I decided to attend many more social events and keep putting my business out there.
My website is displayed in the US next to Japan. So I have decided that my sales will be in New York.
Wishes come true.
Music and dance, Japanese gastronomy and traditional arts are worthwhile.
I will lead many people to beauty, health and happiness.